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4 months ago
// 大名科技(天津)有限公司版权所有 电话:18020030720 QQ:515096995
// 此源代码遵循位于源代码树根目录中的 LICENSE 文件的许可证
using DbType = SqlSugar.DbType;
namespace Admin.NET.Core;
/// <summary>
/// 代码生成帮助类
/// </summary>
public static class CodeGenUtil
/// <summary>
/// 转换大驼峰法命名
/// </summary>
/// <param name="columnName">字段名</param>
/// <param name="dbColumnNames">EntityBase 实体属性名称</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string CamelColumnName(string columnName, string[] dbColumnNames)
if (columnName.Contains('_'))
var arrColName = columnName.Split('_');
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var col in arrColName)
if (col.Length > 0)
sb.Append(col[..1].ToUpper() + col[1..].ToLower());
columnName = sb.ToString();
var propertyName = dbColumnNames.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ToLower() == columnName.ToLower());
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName))
columnName = propertyName;
columnName = columnName[..1].ToUpper() + columnName[1..].ToLower();
return columnName;
// 根据数据库类型来处理对应的数据字段类型
public static string ConvertDataType(DbColumnInfo dbColumnInfo, DbType dbType = DbType.Custom)
if (dbType == DbType.Custom)
dbType = App.GetOptions<DbConnectionOptions>().ConnectionConfigs[0].DbType;
var dataType = dbType switch
DbType.Oracle => ConvertDataType_OracleSQL(string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbColumnInfo.OracleDataType) ? dbColumnInfo.DataType : dbColumnInfo.OracleDataType, dbColumnInfo.Length, dbColumnInfo.Scale),
DbType.PostgreSQL => ConvertDataType_PostgreSQL(dbColumnInfo.DataType),
_ => ConvertDataType_Default(dbColumnInfo.DataType),
return dataType + (dbColumnInfo.IsNullable ? "?" : "");
public static string ConvertDataType_OracleSQL(string dataType, int? length, int? scale)
switch (dataType.ToLower())
case "interval year to month":
return "int";
case "interval day to second":
return "TimeSpan";
case "smallint":
return "Int16";
case "int":
case "integer":
return "int";
case "long":
return "long";
case "float":
return "float";
case "decimal":
return "decimal";
case "number":
if (length != null)
if (scale != null && scale > 0)
return "decimal";
else if ((scale != null && scale == 0) || scale == null)
if (length > 1 && length < 12)
return "int";
else if (length > 11)
return "long";
if (length == 1)
return "bool";
return "decimal";
case "char":
case "clob":
case "nclob":
case "nchar":
case "nvarchar":
case "varchar":
case "nvarchar2":
case "varchar2":
case "rowid":
return "string";
case "timestamp":
case "timestamp with time zone":
case "timestamptz":
case "timestamp without time zone":
case "date":
case "time":
case "time with time zone":
case "timetz":
case "time without time zone":
return "DateTime";
case "bfile":
case "blob":
case "raw":
return "byte[]";
return "object";
public static string ConvertDataType_PostgreSQL(string dataType)
switch (dataType)
case "int2":
case "smallint":
return "Int16";
case "int4":
case "integer":
return "int";
case "int8":
case "bigint":
return "long";
case "float4":
case "real":
return "float";
case "float8":
case "double precision":
return "double";
case "numeric":
case "decimal":
case "path":
case "point":
case "polygon":
case "interval":
case "lseg":
case "macaddr":
case "money":
return "decimal";
case "boolean":
case "bool":
case "box":
case "bytea":
return "bool";
case "varchar":
case "character varying":
case "geometry":
case "name":
case "text":
case "char":
case "character":
case "cidr":
case "circle":
case "tsquery":
case "tsvector":
case "txid_snapshot":
case "xml":
case "json":
return "string";
case "uuid":
return "Guid";
case "timestamp":
case "timestamp with time zone":
case "timestamptz":
case "timestamp without time zone":
case "date":
case "time":
case "time with time zone":
case "timetz":
case "time without time zone":
return "DateTime";
case "bit":
case "bit varying":
return "byte[]";
case "varbit":
return "byte";
return "object";
public static string ConvertDataType_Default(string dataType)
return dataType.ToLower() switch
"tinytext" or "mediumtext" or "longtext" or "mid" or "text" or "varchar" or "char" or "nvarchar" or "nchar" or "timestamp" => "string",
"int" => "int",
"smallint" => "Int16",
//"tinyint" => "byte",
"tinyint" => "bool", // MYSQL
"bigint" or "integer" => "long",
"bit" => "bool",
"money" or "smallmoney" or "numeric" or "decimal" => "decimal",
"real" => "Single",
"datetime" or "smalldatetime" => "DateTime",
"float" or "double" => "double",
"image" or "binary" or "varbinary" => "byte[]",
"uniqueidentifier" => "Guid",
_ => "object",
/// <summary>
/// 数据类型转显示类型
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dataType"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string DataTypeToEff(string dataType)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataType)) return "";
return dataType?.TrimEnd('?') switch
"string" => "Input",
"int" => "InputNumber",
"long" => "Input",
"float" => "Input",
"double" => "Input",
"decimal" => "Input",
"bool" => "Switch",
"Guid" => "Input",
"DateTime" => "DatePicker",
_ => "Input",
// 是否通用字段
public static bool IsCommonColumn(string columnName)
var columnList = new List<string>()
return columnList.Contains(columnName);