You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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3 months ago
using AngleSharp.Html.Parser;
4 months ago
using AspNetCoreRateLimit;
using Lazy.Captcha.Core;
using Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Pdf;
using MailKit.Net.Smtp;
using Nest;
using OnceMi.AspNetCore.OSS;
namespace Admin.NET.Core.Service;
/// <summary>
/// 系统服务器监控服务
/// </summary>
[ApiDescriptionSettings(Order = 290)]
public class SysServerService : IDynamicApiController, ITransient
public SysServerService()
3 months ago
/// <summary>
/// 跨服务调用
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<string> GetServerOther()
//ApiService apiService = new ApiService();
//string url = "";
//return await apiService.GetApiResponseAsync(url);
return "this is a string";
catch (HttpRequestException e)
return $"Request error: {e.Message}";
4 months ago
/// <summary>
/// 获取服务器配置信息
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public dynamic GetServerBase()
return new
HostName = Environment.MachineName, // 主机名称
SystemOs = ComputerUtil.GetOSInfo(),//RuntimeInformation.OSDescription, // 操作系统
OsArchitecture = Environment.OSVersion.Platform.ToString() + " " + RuntimeInformation.OSArchitecture.ToString(), // 系统架构
ProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount + " 核", // CPU核心数
SysRunTime = ComputerUtil.GetRunTime(), // 系统运行时间
RemoteIp = ComputerUtil.GetIpFromOnline(), // 外网地址
LocalIp = App.HttpContext?.Connection?.LocalIpAddress.ToString(), // 本地地址
FrameworkDescription = RuntimeInformation.FrameworkDescription, // NET框架
Environment = App.HostEnvironment.IsDevelopment() ? "Development" : "Production",
Wwwroot = App.WebHostEnvironment.WebRootPath, // 网站根目录
Stage = App.HostEnvironment.IsStaging() ? "Stage环境" : "非Stage环境", // 是否Stage环境
/// <summary>
/// 获取服务器使用信息
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public dynamic GetServerUsed()
var programStartTime = Process.GetCurrentProcess().StartTime;
var totalMilliseconds = (DateTime.Now - programStartTime).TotalMilliseconds.ToString();
var ts = totalMilliseconds.Contains('.') ? totalMilliseconds.Split('.')[0] : totalMilliseconds;
var programRunTime = DateTimeUtil.FormatTime(ts.ParseToLong());
var memoryMetrics = ComputerUtil.GetComputerInfo();
return new
memoryMetrics.FreeRam, // 空闲内存
memoryMetrics.UsedRam, // 已用内存
memoryMetrics.TotalRam, // 总内存
memoryMetrics.RamRate, // 内存使用率
memoryMetrics.CpuRate, // Cpu使用率
StartTime = programStartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), // 服务启动时间
RunTime = programRunTime, // 服务运行时间
/// <summary>
/// 获取服务器磁盘信息
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public dynamic GetServerDisk()
return ComputerUtil.GetDiskInfos();
/// <summary>
/// 获取框架主要程序集
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public dynamic GetAssemblyList()
var furionAssembly = typeof(App).Assembly.GetName();
var sqlSugarAssembly = typeof(ISqlSugarClient).Assembly.GetName();
var yitIdAssembly = typeof(YitIdHelper).Assembly.GetName();
var redisAssembly = typeof(Redis).Assembly.GetName();
var jsonAssembly = typeof(NewtonsoftJsonMvcCoreBuilderExtensions).Assembly.GetName();
var excelAssembly = typeof(IExcelImporter).Assembly.GetName();
var pdfAssembly = typeof(IPdfExporter).Assembly.GetName();
var captchaAssembly = typeof(ICaptcha).Assembly.GetName();
var wechatApiAssembly = typeof(WechatApiClient).Assembly.GetName();
var wechatTenpayAssembly = typeof(WechatTenpayClient).Assembly.GetName();
var ossAssembly = typeof(IOSSServiceFactory).Assembly.GetName();
var parserAssembly = typeof(Parser).Assembly.GetName();
var nestAssembly = typeof(IElasticClient).Assembly.GetName();
var limitAssembly = typeof(IpRateLimitMiddleware).Assembly.GetName();
var htmlParserAssembly = typeof(HtmlParser).Assembly.GetName();
var fluentEmailAssembly = typeof(SmtpClient).Assembly.GetName();
return new[]
new { furionAssembly.Name, furionAssembly.Version },
new { sqlSugarAssembly.Name, sqlSugarAssembly.Version },
new { yitIdAssembly.Name, yitIdAssembly.Version },
new { redisAssembly.Name, redisAssembly.Version },
new { jsonAssembly.Name, jsonAssembly.Version },
new { excelAssembly.Name, excelAssembly.Version },
new { pdfAssembly.Name, pdfAssembly.Version },
new { captchaAssembly.Name, captchaAssembly.Version },
new { wechatApiAssembly.Name, wechatApiAssembly.Version },
new { wechatTenpayAssembly.Name, wechatTenpayAssembly.Version },
new { ossAssembly.Name, ossAssembly.Version },
new { parserAssembly.Name, parserAssembly.Version },
new { nestAssembly.Name, nestAssembly.Version },
new { limitAssembly.Name, limitAssembly.Version },
new { htmlParserAssembly.Name, htmlParserAssembly.Version },
new { fluentEmailAssembly.Name, fluentEmailAssembly.Version },