You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System.ComponentModel;
using Admin.Bodk.Device.Entities.equipment;
using Admin.Bodk.Device.Entities.TaskChain;
using Admin.NET.Core;
using Furion.DatabaseAccessor;
using Furion.DependencyInjection;
using Furion.DynamicApiController;
using Furion.FriendlyException;
using Mapster;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using NewLife.Caching;
using SqlSugar;
namespace Admin.Bodk.Device.Services;
/// <summary>
/// 设备管理服务
/// </summary>
[ApiDescriptionSettings(Order = 2)]
public class DeviceService : IDynamicApiController, ITransient
private readonly SqlSugarRepository<Entities.Device.Device> _repository;
private readonly SqlSugarRepository<TaskChain> _taskChainRepository;
private readonly ICache _cache;
public DeviceService(SqlSugarRepository<Entities.Device.Device> repository,
SqlSugarRepository<TaskChain> taskChainRepository,
ICache cache)
_repository = repository;
_taskChainRepository = taskChainRepository;
_cache = cache;
/// <summary>
/// 获取设备列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme + "," + SignatureAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme)]
public async Task<SqlSugarPagedList<EquipmentDto>> PostList(DeviceInpt input)
return await _repository.AsQueryable()
// .LeftJoin<TaskChain.TaskChain>((u, a) => u.Id == a.EquipmentId)
m => m.Name != null && m.Name.Contains(input.Name))
.WhereIF(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.Type), m => m.Type == input.Type)
.Select<EquipmentDto>((u) => new EquipmentDto()
Id = u.Id,
Name = u.Name,
Type = u.Type,
BaseName = u.BaseName,
PicUrl = u.PicUrl,
Address = u.Address,
Remark = u.Remark,
Code = u.Code,
Ip = u.Ip,
Status = u.Status,
CreateTime = u.CreateTime,
.Mapper(d =>
var cache = _cache.Get<dynamic>($"bodk:device:{d.Code}:summary");
if (cache is not null)
d.Temperature = cache?.TankTopTemperature;
d.LiquidNitrogenHeight = cache?.LiquidHeight;
d.Humidity = cache?.CavityHumidity;
d.Temperature = -192.5f;
d.LiquidNitrogenHeight = 182;
d.Humidity = 0.5f;
.ToPagedListAsync(input.Page, input.PageSize);
/// <summary>
/// 增加设备
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[ApiDescriptionSettings(Name = "Add"), HttpPost]
public async Task<long> AddEquipment(EquipmentDto input)
if (input is null) throw Oops.Oh("参数不能为空");
var equipment = input.Adapt<Entities.Device.Device>();
// if( a is double b)
// {
// Console.WriteLine(b);
// }
var newEquipment = await _repository.AsInsertable(equipment).ExecuteReturnEntityAsync();
// if (input?.TaskChainList is { Count: > 0 })
// {
// foreach (var taskChain in input.TaskChainList)
// {
// taskChain.EquipmentId = newEquipment.Id;
// await _taskChainRepository.AsInsertable(taskChain).ExecuteReturnEntityAsync();
// }
// }
input.Id = newEquipment.Id;
return newEquipment.Id;
/// <summary>
/// 更新设备
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[ApiDescriptionSettings(Name = "Update"), HttpPost]
public async Task Update(EquipmentDto input)
_taskChainRepository.AsDeleteable().Where(tc => tc.EquipmentId == input.Id).ExecuteCommand();
// if (input?.TaskChainList is { Count: > 0 })
// {
// foreach (var taskChain in input.TaskChainList)
// {
// taskChain.EquipmentId = input.Id;
// await _taskChainRepository.AsInsertable(taskChain).ExecuteReturnEntityAsync();
// }
// }
await _repository.AsUpdateable(input.Adapt<Entities.Device.Device>())
.UpdateColumns(m => new { m.Type, m.Name, m.Remark, m.Code })
/// <summary>
/// 删除设备
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[ApiDescriptionSettings(Name = "Delete"), HttpPost]
public async Task Delete(DeleteEquipmentInput input)
var user = await _repository.GetFirstAsync(u => u.Id == input.Id) ?? throw Oops.Oh("设备不存在");
await _repository.DeleteAsync(user);